
Turn Your Email Blasts into Closed Deals in 7 Steps

In all likelihood, you will receive dozens of sales emails today in your inbox. And let’s be honest, you may only open a handful. In fact, you may not even look at what the emails have to say before moving them to your trash (or spam) folder. 

Yet, email marketing campaigns — including email blasts — are still one of the most potent marketing tools in your toolbox. That said, email blasts must be executed well if you want great results. Getting your desired returns  — including closed sales — requires paying careful attention to several steps in the process. In other words, do it right and your investment will pay off. 

That’s where we come in. Acceler8now has created an inside track for successful email marketing, both with traditional email campaigns and email blasts. Based on our track record, we may even help you get better than expected results! 

In this post, we’re sharing our seven best practices for producing email blasts that will set you up for success. Follow these tips and not only will your prospects open your emails, but also they’ll act on them — and that means more closed deals!

Step 1 — Understand Your Goals

Before blasting an email off into the unknown, it’s crucial to “start with why” (to borrow a phrase from a popular motivational speaker.) This means knowing what you want to achieve with your email messaging. To do this. use SMART goals to clarify your objectives. 

To help zero in on your email marketing goals, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Is your goal to immediately encourage a click-through and sale?
  • Are you hoping to set up a short exploratory phone call?
  • Is your aim to get your recipients to request a demo or free trial? 

Step 2 — Use Your Real Name and Email Address

People are more likely to read emails that come from real people. If you send an email from a generic alias (think info@, sales@, news@, no-reply@), the email will appear less trustworthy to your new contacts. This means that your emails will likely end up in the trash or spam button.

Instead of generic email addresses, send your emails from specific people. This is called “personalization” and it’s very important in email marketing. We can confirm that open rates improve dramatically if the email is from a person. 

This will help create trust and take you a step closer to closing deals. Just to give you an idea of our performance, one industry average for email open rates is 21.33%. Meanwhile, some of our clients are getting open rates in the 50 to 63% range!!

Step 3 — Write Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Emails with personalized subject lines are more likely to be opened. In fact, they can boost open rates by 50%. That’s important because getting recipients to open your email blasts is a critical step in earning their business. Now, this is getting your digital foot in the door!

Emails need subject lines that grab people’s attention. Subject lines represent your best chance at convincing someone to open your email, so you must give them careful thought.

Want to write subject lines like a pro? Here are some secrets from our subject line writing methodology:

  • Use urgency or scarcity, such as a limited time offer.
  • Add a measure of curiosity. 
  • If there’s a cost-saving on offer, state it here. 
  • Use the recipient’s name.

Step 4 — Begin Your Emails with an Irresistible Pitch

People typically just scan emails before deciding to either reply or hit delete. To overcome this limitation, it’s important to lead with a compelling and short introduction. Get right to the point and let them know what they stand to gain — or avoid losing! In as few words as possible, let them know how your product or service can help them today. 

Here are four compelling ways to begin your sales emails:

  • Make it personal by using their name in the salutation. This lets recipients know that they aren’t receiving a mass email (aka spam).
  • Grab their interest by mentioning something they care about, like, in this case, that they are a winner: “I love what you’re doing at ; congratulations on being named one of the Top 100 Healthcare Technology Companies of 2021.”
  • Speak to their pain points. For example: “I’m curious, if you think there’s room for improvement, would you be open to an honest conversation?”
  • List results you’ve helped other companies gain. For example: “We’ve helped companies like yours achieve a 52% increase in organic traffic to their website year over year.”

Step 5 — Build Trust by Using Third-Party Endorsements 

Trust is a critical factor in sales. Without it, it will be a challenge to win them over. You can build trust with everyone on your email marketing list by naming trusted clients or customers you’ve worked with in the past. You could also mention having an impressive number of clients. No need to brag — just make it clear that your company can be trusted.

Here are ways to work trust factors into your email:

  • Share real results you achieved for a client — get approval from your clients if you use their names, of course
  • Add client testimonials as a P.S. in your email copy
  • Tell the story of how you guided your clients to success, showcasing them as the hero

Step 6 — Deliver a Powerful Call to Action

The heart of your email campaign is your call to action. This means the action you want your prospects on your email marketing list to take, such as downloading an eBook, viewing a video or scheduling a product demo. 

To inspire your prospects to act, include a clear and compelling CTA in your email blast. This means both telling your prospects exactly what action you want them to take and making it as easy as possible for them to do so. 

Pro tips for writing calls to action that work include:

  • Include just one call to action to get your recipients to take action. 
  • Use a strong command verb, such as subscribe, download or order.
  • Use words that evoke emotion or enthusiasm, such as “plan your dream vacation today.”
  • Address the “fear of missing out” (FOMO) by mentioning any limitations, such as “buy now while supplies last!”

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 Step 7 — Follow Up Promptly

Following up on your emails to prospects is critical to winning sales. You’ll want to follow up on a prompt schedule and follow these best practices as outlined by one of today’s inbound sales leaders:

  • Add context. Mention your previous emails and remind them that the offer is still available. Sweeten the deal with a bonus benefit they’ll gain by doing business with you.  Jog your recipient’s memory by opening with a reference to the email you sent them and reminding them of the advantages of working with you.
  • Add value. Don’t just cite the original offer, but add additional value, such as a three-month money-back guarantee.
  • Build trust. Continue the trust-building process in your follow-up by mentioning how long you’ve been in business, how many customers you have or any awards you’ve won. 

Outbound email blasts and campaigns are an art and a science. If you need help, reach out and we can analyze your emails at no cost. Acceler8now writes thousands of emails with click through rates as high as 78%, and we can put that experience to work for you. Learn more today!